








1. 负责茶艺馆的日常运营管理,确保茶艺馆的正常运营;
2. 制定茶艺馆的经营策略,提高茶艺馆的知名度和美誉度;
3. 负责茶艺馆员工的招聘、培训、考核及激励,打造一支高素质的团队;
4. 管理茶艺馆的财务、采购、库存等各项工作,确保茶艺馆的经济效益;
5. 与供应商、合作伙伴保持良好关系,确保茶艺馆的物资供应;
6. 负责茶艺馆的卫生、安全等工作,确保顾客的用餐环境舒适、安全;
7. 参与策划茶艺馆的各项活动,丰富顾客的茶文化生活。


1. 本科及以上学历,茶艺、酒店管理、市场营销等相关专业优先;
2. 3年以上茶艺馆或酒店管理经验,具备较强的团队管理能力;
3. 熟悉茶艺馆运营管理流程,具备良好的市场分析、策划和执行能力;
4. 具有较强的沟通协调能力,能够处理突发事件;
5. 热爱茶文化,有敬业精神,责任心强;
6. 具备良好的职业素养和形象,有较强的抗压能力。

1. 竞争性的薪资待遇,具体面议;
2. 五险一金,享受国家法定节假日及带薪年假;
3. 丰富的员工培训及晋升机会;
4. 舒适的办公环境,良好的团队氛围。








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1. 桑拿设备:长沙泳康桑拿设备有限公司的桑拿设备种类丰富,包括桑拿房、桑拿板、桑拿炉、桑拿干蒸房、湿蒸房、光波房、蒸汽房、蒸汽发生器、汗蒸房、移动式汗蒸房、沐浴桶、沐足桶、可折叠按摩床等。这些产品均采用优质材料制作,具有耐用、环保、安全的特点。

2. 游泳池设备:公司提供的游泳池设备包括游泳池水泵、过滤泵、按摩泵、游泳池过滤沙缸、游泳池水处理设备等。这些设备性能稳定,质量可靠,为游泳池的正常运行提供有力保障。

3. 水景喷泉设备:公司可根据客户需求定制各类水景喷泉设备,如喷泉、瀑布、泳池水景等。这些设备造型独特,具有很高的观赏价值。

4. 水处理设备:公司提供的水处理设备包括游泳池水处理设备、桑拿房水处理设备等,能有效去除水中杂质,保证水质安全。

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1. 专业团队:长沙泳康桑拿设备有限公司拥有一支专业的技术团队,为客户提供从设计、安装、维护到售后的一站式服务。

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1. 精选桑拿房:长沙枫林宾馆的桑拿房采用高品质的材料,宽敞舒适,设备齐全,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。

2. 多种桑拿方式:本宾馆提供干蒸、湿蒸、雾浴等多种桑拿方式,满足不同消费者的需求。

3. 个性化服务:根据您的身体状况和需求,我们的专业技师为您提供一对一的个性化服务,让您在享受桑拿的过程中,感受到尊贵与关怀。

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1. 工作压力大,需要放松身心的人群;
2. 长期缺乏锻炼,需要改善身体状况的人群;
3. 需要消除疲劳,提高睡眠质量的人群;
4. 希望通过桑拿改善皮肤状况的人群。


Sniff ~ ~ ~

With the struggle, the tentacles constantly release bursts of yin cold, and the size of black smoke is shrinking, and soon it turns into a soft, collapsed black skin and falls to the ground.
Cold and cold are constantly drilling towards the body, and even the residual gas can’t resist Yu Guihai. I can’t help shivering and quickly mobilize the remaining Xuan Yin aura to resist the strange cold.
However, Xuan Yin Reiki is also consumed quickly and can’t support much.
"It’s awesome!"
Yu Gui grabbed the black skin before the sea color changed slightly and quickly withdrew from the black fog.
I’m far away and I’m afraid to return to the sea. Looking at that thick black fog, if I retreat a little slower, his aura will be consumed.
Later, he regretted that there was so much yin in his heart, but he had not cultivated the circle to absorb anything. He was not sure whether the circle depicted by white lantern paper could bear such a powerful yin.
Fortunately, if the sun rises, this yin qi will dissipate quickly, otherwise it may produce some terrible ghosts after a long time.
"Forget it, let this yin dissipate on its own!"
Yu Guihai, afraid to stay long, ran away in the distance.
He stopped to meditate in a hidden valley and recovered for a while before he took out his tentacles and left the black skin to look at it carefully
The surface of this black leather is wrinkled, the black background has a strange gray pattern, and its part seems to contain a strong yin and cold atmosphere, which is as elusive as the sea.
This thing is no ordinary ghost material!
Yu Guihai tried it and found that the black skin seems to have some hard objects.
He turned over the black skin and found some sharp teeth hanging in the department.
He broke off seven teeth, all of which were more than an inch long, pale and firm, and obviously it was also a good material.
Yu Guihai pondered over a broken finger and a tooth stained with blood, drawing a cultivation circle in black skin.
However, after blood painting, it is like painting in a mirror, and it can’t be attached at all. When it stands up slightly, the blood drops immediately flow and can’t be painted.
Yu Guihai put away his black skin and teeth after a little meditation.
Chapter 132 cultivate immortality skills …
After putting away the black skin and teeth, Yu Guihai took out the jade box containing the small (blood-soaked) grass and took a look at which piece of the small (blood-soaked) grass did not grow into leaves
After a little thought, he pinched the leaf and the small (blood-soaked) grass officially became a bald gourd ladle
Now that he is in the wild, he may encounter danger at any time and must regain his aura.
Although there are some yin qi in this valley, the method can restore his aura. If this half leaf is used, it can restore his aura. After all, it is restoration rather than upgrading.
Yu Guihai closed his eyes and meditated in the entrance of Ye Plug, and the surrounding Yin qi quickly gathered and was absorbed by him, and then the leaves of Lingcao were transformed into their own aura.
It’s dawn and Yu Guihai’s eyes are open and a flash of light flashes.
His aura has recovered, but his spirit has recovered less than half.
Yu Guihai got up and judged the direction and ran in the direction of Qingshan City.
In that valley pool, he didn’t go to the peak again, and it would be difficult to be good in case of an accident.
When I get home, I will go to see my parents and report my peace.
Zhao Yun, the two mothers who didn’t come home day and night, was worried about giving him a good scolding.
Yu Guihai admitted his mistake to his parents and asked, "Father and mother, do you know where there are ghost materials?"
"Ghost material?"
Zhao Yun pondered and shook his head and said, "I don’t know that this kind of membership is rare, even if the Zhao family dominates a city, there is no such membership."
Yu Renlong also said, "That’s true. There may be some in the clan, but our position will never be seen unless you are promoted to Tongmai or get the first prize this time."
Yu Guihai frowned, and my father said that the way can be done, but we all have to wait. Besides, it is not certain whether there is such a membership in the Yu family.
At this time, Yu Renlong suddenly hesitated, "Maybe someone knows about Xiang Ji."
"who?" Yu Guihai asked with a bright eyes.
"Li Huyun, a city mage," Yu Renlong said.
"This man is the official immortal and the only immortal we can contact. He should have a relative there, but the general conditions are hard to impress him."
Before Yu Guihai suddenly realized, he had asked his father to ask him to practice immortality, but he was rejected. This time, I don’t know if the other party would agree.
He thought it was a good idea to find Li Huyun, but he was not going to find Li Huyun again through his father, which was not successful and easy to attract the attention of the special envoy Yan.
"Forget my father, Li Huyun turned us down, and we can’t succeed this time, and the other party’s asking price is too high, so we can’t promise. It’s unnecessary," Yu Guihai persuaded.
"well! That’s good! " Yu Renlong was relieved.
"Father Xuan blade knife is broken!"
Yu Guihai hesitated for a while and finally said it.
Including the horrible tentacles of the valley pool, which took out that piece of black skin and seven teeth.
Zhao Yun was so frightened that he held him carefully and checked it again before he was told again.
It didn’t end until Yu Guihai repeatedly promised not to risk again.
Yu Renlong pondered somberly for a moment and said, "The monster in the mountains is so dangerous that I’m afraid it will harm Qingshan City one day. It seems that our Yu family must move away after this incident."
"Well" Yu Guihai nodded.
"Don’t you worry about going back to the secret library with me?"
Back to my residence, I returned to the sea and took out my black skin and teeth.
First of all, I thought of the scary tentacle monster in the pool. The tentacle must have extended from the cave at the bottom of the pool and could reach a cliff tens of meters high.
You can imagine how horrible its length is and how horrible its body is.











1. 芳香精油护理:选用高品质的天然精油,通过按摩和熏香的方式,帮助宾客舒缓压力、改善睡眠质量。

2. 身体磨砂:采用天然海盐和火山泥等原料,深层清洁肌肤,促进血液循环,使肌肤焕发健康光彩。

3. 面部护理:结合中西方面部护理技术,针对不同肤质提供专业的护理方案,让宾客的面部肌肤焕发青春活力。

4. 红外线桑拿:利用红外线加热,帮助宾客排出体内毒素,提高免疫力,缓解疲劳。



Li Yunhui respectfully "met the cave master" at Jade Duxiu.

Jade Duxiu drove the green cow slowly to the ground and nodded at Li Yunhui "Get up."
"I’ve seen the cave master", and all the monks stood out in front of the jade.
Jade Duxiu nodded, "Get up!"
"Please also invite the cave master to enter the Zhongjun big account" Li Yunhui gave a unique gift to the jade.
Jade Duxiu nodded as they entered Zhongjun’s tent. Jade Duxiu sat in the main seat, and the soldiers and monks were arranged in turn according to the class.
Yu Duxiu said, "What is the situation now?"
That Li Yunhui said, "So that the cave master can learn that there is a shoujiang named Huang Mingyou who has a magical power. The figure of a person can’t be shaken. Still, by the other side, the Taoist priests and the two armies can’t cast their magical powers. It has damaged several people, but it happened that this person is not only good at different skills but also proficient in martial arts. It is the most difficult to deal with."
Jade Duxiu nodded in silence and deduced what had happened.
I was thinking about it, but I heard that a Taoist priest came out to present a unique gift to Jade, "so that the cave master could see something when he learned that the guardian was being original."
"Oh," a curious color flashed in Yu Duxiu’s eyes. "What’s special about this skill?"
When the Taoist priest heard this, he smiled gently. "Being original is too much. The monk once heard the elders in the door preach and told us that there was a different skill called’ body-fixing’ in ancient times."
Looking at everyone’s eyes, the monk said with a smile, "This immobilizing technique is not simple, but it was originally created by an antique in ancient times. If this immobilizing technique can hold the body, it would be a big mistake. This different technique can not only hold the body, but also hold the body, and the body can call you three souls and seven spirits. You can’t move your whole body. Your body is stiff and you can watch your opponent’s sword fall on your neck."
"Oh" Jade Duxiu smell speech was serious "incredibly so severe"
"That’s the case. In those days, which great power killed this great power of heaven and earth with the help of this magical power, rather than destroying people’s souls and scattering it, so that it would never be super-living." The monk said.
Jade Duxiu thought quickly in his heart. It’s not difficult to kill this person, whether it’s his innate thunder method or the other magical powers on Wuxing Avenue. If you want to kill this person, you don’t have much strength, but the key is that this person is gathered with the dragon spirit of the Ryukyu Dynasty. If you kill it with the operation method, you will be in trouble. It’s not worthwhile to say that even your own fortune will be damaged by a mere mortal.
"Is there any way to control this different skill?" Yudu avenue
"If you want to restrain this immobility, it’s not that there’s no way to stop it, but it’s not dead," the Taoist said.
"Do you have a method?" Yudu avenue
"Being original has a senior who is most proficient in machine puppet art and needs that puppet dead body to slay that soldier," the Taoist said.
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Please invite your brother to a seat as soon as possible, and there will be heavy thanks."
"Thank you, Lord Cave." The monk heard the news and walked toward the outside of the tent with a beaming smile on his face.
"This immobilizing technique has some meaning, but it can be fixed. It can be fixed outside the body. If it can be fixed outside others, it can be fixed on its own body." Jade Duxiu touched it. "This immobilizing technique has to think of a way to take this magical power away. There is a big one."
Think like this, but see the sky gradually dim.
"SIRS are dispersed, wait for it’s too a Taoist friend to slay this and seize this Dachang to extinguish the big Ryukyu dynasty and complete the clearing." Jade Duxiu looked at the big tent and lit the lights and gently took a sigh of relief and withdrew her thoughts.
Chapter 5 Miao Xiu, a thief, borrows an avatar.
The generals heard the words and retreated one by one. Only Jade Duxiu sat in the tent and silently thought about the words of the Taoist priest.
"A good body-holding technique can not only hold the body, but also hold the body. It is the best avatar of Yin people." Jade Duxiu felt the bar and muttered, "It seems that this time it is right to go to Dachang."
He said, but he saw that Jade Duxiu’s whole body was slightly fluctuating, and instantly absorbed all the military forces and spirits, and then the whole body’s mana fluctuated, but the earth shook slightly. Jade Duxiu had disappeared in situ.
Prosperous city guard Huang Ming sits sullenly in the main position, but he is a general, big cat and kitten. Now, with Jade Duxiu surviving the ancient disaster, his reputation is even worse, but he is slightly weaker. The monks are all running away.
"Oh,no. Today, I heard that the flags across the camp are fluttering and the bells are ringing. It must be that a mighty man came here but I didn’t know it was the strong one." Huang Ming put his hands in the eyes of the audience, but it was a cover-up
"Hum, who cares who wants to be blessed by Junwu Shaqi? Still, it depends on the other side’s magical power, but it is also impossible to play the 19th General. Even the other side’s magical power is not as bad as killing chickens and ducks." A PianJiang laughed wildly.
That Huang Ming is frowning, and the family knows their own affairs. Although it is powerful, it is not without defects. No matter how powerful it is, it is not without weaknesses.
For example, if a ranged spell attacks itself, it will work.
But fortunately, now the two armies have sent magical powers to the method in the distance, otherwise they would have been turned to ashes. If you want to get it close, there is no one who can’t plot against you, but if it is in the distance, it’s hard to say.
Just then, I heard a hurried step from outside the camp.
A soldier shouted far away from the big account, but the man had not arrived.
"Come in and talk" Huang Mingdao
Words fall naturally, there are Qinbing pushing knives and axes in front of the tent, but I see a horse kneeling on the ground. "Report to my Lord that the late Lord will have found out the news that a man from the Great Chen Dynasty came here a few days ago, and all the soldiers and monks were personally greeted by the Ministry."
"Oh, since that Taoist deserves to be greeted by monks and generals in full camp, it is bound to be difficult. Have you ever found out the name of that Taoist?" Huangmingdao
"That Taoist seems to be called’ Miaoxiu’," I thought.
"What?" The Huang Ming smell speech stand on end a surprised unexpectedly frighten up from the seat "what did you say? What is the name of that Taoist? "
Look at that panicked Huang Ming, but listen to Huang Ming’s voice has been a little sharp.
"The Taoist priest called Miao Xiu" leaned down and said.
Huang Ming smell speech "flop" collapsed in the seat, and all the soldiers were also reluctant at this time. Even if everyone was ordinary, they knew who their biggest rival was after fighting for such a long time.
"Wonderful show personally arrival must be holding the determination to completely eradicate my big Ryukyu dynasty. This wonderful show is really cruel. It will destroy my big Ryukyu dynasty and destroy its ancestral temple." Huang Ming was full of grief
"Lord, don’t panic, that wonderful show is just a humble monk, but it’s just a kind of divine power before the military and military ShaQi. Please don’t be discouraged, and we will be doomed to the prosperity of the city." A general spoke in comfort.
That Huang Ming smell speech gave a signal to the general to shut up and then said, "Even Miao Xiu personally came to Dachang, but you can’t give it to me. It’s bound to be Dachang’s total death. If you hide this news, you can’t shake your morale and meet the wonderful show in the future, but you don’t know if you can plot against the wonderful show’s life."
All the soldiers smell speech to the Lord and then turned and walked out of Huang Ming’s mansion, saying that Huang Ming saw all the soldiers retreating one by one, but he gave me a little wry smile. "I can’t keep this Dachang city. I think that the Huang family has been guarding this place for generations, and it’s dangerous to be famous. Now it’s impossible to keep the last barrier of the Ryukyu Dynasty. This monk really deserves to die and dare to bring disaster. I hate that I didn’t save the day, or I have to cut off all the monks."
When he said this, he saw that Huang Ming knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the imperial court in Beijing. "I’m sorry for your trust, I’m sorry for your entrustment. I only want to die to protect the last trace of dignity of the imperial court in Ryukyu, and I can do my best."
When he said this, he saw that Huang Ming knelt on the ground and knocked a few heads, and then he got up and walked towards the backyard. He didn’t know where to bring an altar of drinks, and then he staggered into the bedroom to set the table and ordered people to prepare food and drink while crying.
Men don’t flick when they have tears. This Huang Ming is a loyal person. His loyalty to the Ryukyu Dynasty has not changed.
"Ha, ha, ha, eat this decapitated meal again, and I will be loyal every day." Huang Ming’s eyes are full of tears. "I hate this wonderful show. If there is reincarnation in another year, it will be unwilling to rest."
Say that finish after an altar wine is already drink jars down on the table.
A virtual wave only to see a figure appear in front of Huang Ming. Looking at this sleeping man, Yu Duxiu shook his head. "It’s a pity to be a loyal person."
With that, Yu Duxiu looked at Huang Ming’s bedroom and then two silver needles appeared in his hand and instantly pierced Huang Ming’s faint acupoint.
At the last moment of the silver needle, Huang Ming seemed to feel the danger, and his palm struggled to sit up, but Yu Duxiu moved too fast, so he didn’t give the Huang Ming a response.
Clap your hands. Jade Duxiu walked around Huang Ming’s bedroom, then came to the window and looked at the scenery outside. She went back to the bed again and suddenly lifted the quilt and rummaged through the pillow bed.
It’s a long night, and now it’s just enough